It's me, Ángel!

About me ☝️

I am Ángel Blanco 👼, a software engineer working remotely from Spain. I love to work with web technologies.

My tech stack usually includes Tailwind, Vue and Laravel. I'm proud to say I've been using Laravel since version 5.2, back in 2015, and Vue since version 2.2, in 2017.

I enjoy test-driven development. My professional experience includes unit and end-to-end testing.

Right now, you can find me at Beonprice since February 2017. As any other developer working on a startup, I've done a great variety of things since then!

In 2020 I was promoted to tech leader of one of the teams at my company. We ship our features with a completely continuous integrated pipeline. I have designed and implemented a lot of views and their associated backend microservices deployed to Kubernetes.

Handling TBs of data has led me to expand my skills with MongoDB, Redis and PostgreSQL.

In the past, I've also briefly worked with Swift as an iOS developer. Finally, you can find a brief resume of some other libraries that I know here:

Front-endVue JsTailwindSvelteTypescriptJavascript ES6SCSSPlaywrightBEMPlaywrightCypressMochaJestWebpackVitejQuery
Back-endLaravelPhpPhpunitMockeryGuzzleSymfonyExpressNode JSNest JSGitDockerMongoRedisPostgreSQLLinux

What I've done through the years?

2012-2016 (University)

  • Gradute at "Universidad de Salamanca" with a grade point average of 8.7 / 10. My end-of-degree project was an iOS application connected to a Laravel API. It used Larvel, jQuery and Bootstrap on the administrator's web.
  • I completed an internship at a research group (Bisite) as an iOS software developer.


  • I completed a Master's degree in Computer Engineering. I did my final project with Laravel and Vue.

  • I've joined Beonprice at the beginning of my Master's degree and started my 3-month internship. After a successful relationship, I started working as a Junior developer. I started my career doing ETL with PHP, Symfony and Laravel, including:

    • Web crawling.
    • Third-party integrations. Most of them with other hospitality partners via Rest APIS, SFTP, SMTP, etc.


At this time, I joined the solutions team and started working as a full-stack developer. Then in 2019, I was promoted to software architect, and since 2020, I'm currently working as a Teach Lead in charge of other teammates.

  • I lead all kinds of projects inside the company, including Data visualization, dashboarding, reporting, business intelligence, real-time hotel price publication, configuration, email notifications, etc.
  • I work side to side with the product team refining the requirements and reducing the gap between the team and the business.
  • My role also includes helping new teammates to achieve their goals by reviewing their code and mentoring them.
  • Develop and maintain all the company microservices and web views.
  • I deal with high load APIS, query optimization, monitoring, authentication, caching, high availability, or multi-tenancy.
  • I lead tech professionalization in the company, including:
    • Implement the introduction Vue, tailwind, and Webpack. We deprecated jQuery.
    • Desing and migration to Kubernetes.
    • Suggest the creation of shared and well-tested Laravel packages. Shared packages reduced code duplication across the entire organization.
    • Implementation of CI/CD. Added testing into the existing codebase. We use Laravel, PHPUnit, Playwright, Cypress, and Mocha.
    • Upgrade legacy projects to the latest versions of Laravel, NodeJS, and Webpack.
    • I added quality assurance tools like Sonarqube, Eslint, Airbnb Javascript, Stylelint or PHP CS Fixer. They have successfully reduced technical debt.

Hobbies 🎸?

My main hobby is music. I love to play rock & blues on my guitar. 🎸 I'm trying to learn to sing 🎤 and once in a while, I play computer 💻 games too. 😄 I have a dog 🐶 and I try to keep myself as healthy 💪 as a developer can!

About this blog

This blog is currently written in Javascript using Svelte Kit. Feel free to check out the code on my Github.

Reach me

You can contact me on: